Over the last year I have been looking for ways to reuse and repurpose items I might otherwise throw away. So, when I learned about reusing cans to hold small gifts and treats I knew I wanted to make Pop Top Can Valentines.
Kids will love opening up their can to find Valentine treats.
What you will need:
- Empty, clean 4 oz. cans with pop top lids
- Good quality can opener-I used Oxo Smooth Edge Can Opener. This can opener cuts around the outside rim instead of cutting on top of the can. It leaves a smooth edge, hence the name. I researched can openers after the one I initially used for this project made rough cuts along the can. I was unable to use the cans I had been saving to make these. I broke down, spent the $19 for the Oxo can opener to finish this project. The other can opener's fate is in the garbage dump.
- Assorted candy
- Hot glue gun
- Craft paper or wrapping paper
- Stickers, glitter, markers, etc.
- Crinkly paper or paper grass
- Ribbon
- Gift tags
Remove manufacturer's labels and save one to use later.
Remove bottom of the cans.
Drain contents and clean can, let dry.
Using the manufacturer's can label, trace label on craft paper or wrapping paper. Cut out new labels and attach with hot glue.
Fill cans with candy and top with crinkly paper or paper grass. Tuck in any loose ends.
Attach bottoms with hot glue.
Decorate labels and attach gift tags.
Try to keep the bottoms of the cans matched with their respective cans for seamless attachment.
Don't overfill the can with crinkly paper or paper grass, too much padding makes it difficult to seal the can.
Download free gift tag labels online.
If you do not have enough cans on hand, buy some more. If you can not eat the contents right away, like diced fruit, then freeze them in popsicle molds.
Have your little ones help.
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