My body feels so light in the water, my center of gravity is of no concern and I get the workout I want without feeling overheated. Another great benefit for pregnant women is that there is no or little impact on your joints. As our bodies change during pregnancy so do our joints and bones. They get lose and separate to get body ready for baby's journey through the birth canal. We need to take care during our exercise routines.
Water aerobics is broken down into two types, shallow end and deep end.
Every instructor has their own style in how they teach, some prefer more body sculpting while others focus more on the aerobic aspect. Some tools used are noodles, hand held weights, ankle weights, kick boards, and for the deep water classes, floating belts and flippers. You can purchase water shoes if you prefer, but they are not necessary.
Just take it easy at first and listen to your body. If a position feels uncomfortable to you, do not do it and ask the instructor for an alternative. Be gently when you do any stomach exercises. Trust me, you will feel it the next day. And of course, talk to your doctor first.
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